specialty classes


CLASS DESCRIPTION: As law enforcement officers, we spend the majority of our time in and around vehicles, so knowing how to deploy our firearms around those vehicles is critical. During this 2-day CLEET-accredited course, we will shoot into and out of vehicles and discuss the related ballistics.


  • Rifle with sling

  • Duty pistol

  • Minimum of one spare rifle and two spare pistol magazines

  • Holster and method to carry extra magazines

  • 300 rounds of rifle ammo and 300 rounds of pistol ammo

  • Eye and ear protection

  • Gloves

  • Long pants must be worn, and a long sleeve shirt is suggested

Armed dynamic movement: $90

CLASS DESCRIPTION: This 8-hour CLEET-accredited class will focus on movement when shooting. We'll cover how to move safely with a rifle or pistol and how to control those movements so you can make accurate shots with an elevated heart rate. This dynamic class is not for beginners; it will test your skills and leave you tired at the end of the day.


  • Rifle with sling

  • Duty pistol

  • Minimum of one spare rifle and two spare pistol magazines

  • Holster and method to carry at least one spare rifle and pistol magazine.

  • 200 rounds of pistol ammo and 150 rounds of rifle ammo

  • Eye and ear protection

  • Gloves

  • Clothing that will allow kneeling and movement

Pistol caliber Carbine Patrol course: $90

CLASS DESCRIPTION: This one day CLEET accredited course is meant for those who are wishing to get some extra training in with a pistol caliber carbine. The course will look at the advantages and disadvantages of PCC’s and how they can be used on patrol. We will cover the ballistics of pistol calibers at longer distances and practice getting hits from up to 100 yards. We will also look at recoil control and how the PCC can be used at close distances allowing rapid follow up shots.

Any reliable and safe pistol caliber carbine is welcome in the class.


Required Equipment:

  • Reliable and Safe Pistol Caliber Carbine with sling

  • Duty Pistol

  • At least 3 magazines for the carbine and a method to carry them on your person

  • 450 rounds of ammo for the carbine and 25 rounds for the pistol (if different)

  • Eye and Ear Protection